veja essa página em português Anthony Henman was
born in São Paulo in 1949 to an English father and an Argentine
mother. He obtained Bachelors and Masters degrees in Anthropology from
the University of Cambridge in 1975. He has done fieldwork on the traditional
use of coca leaf amongst the Paez Indians that was published in 1978 in
London (Mama Coca). He has lectured on this topic at the University of
Cauca, Popayán, Colombia, and at the IFCH-UNICAMP. He has acted
as a researcher and consultant on psychoactive substances for the State
Council on Narcotics (CONEN-SP), for the European Parliament, for the
World Health Organization, for the Observatoire Géopolitique des
Drogues (Paris), and for the AIDS prevention program of the Secretary
of Health of the State of New York. Currently he is engaged in research
on the plantas maestras (teaching plants) of Peru, especially the coca
leaf, the San Pedro Cactus (Echinopsis spp.), and huilca (Anadenanthera
1998 (Henman
et al.) “Injection drug users as social actors: A stigmatized community’s
participation in the syringe exchange programs of New York City.”
AIDS Care 10(4): 387-398.
1998 (Henman et al.) “From ideology to logistics: The organizational
aspects of syringe exchange in a period of institutional consolidation.”
Substance Use and Misuse 33(5): 1213-1230.
1997 “Von der Mama Coca zur Coca-Cola.” in Bruno Rütsche
& Peter Stirnimann (Eds.) Drogen und Dritte Welt. Luzern: Exodus.
1996 “Reducción o agravación del daño ?”
in Xabier Arana & Rosa del Olmo (Eds.) Normas y culturas en la construcción
de la “Cuestión Droga”. Barcelona: Hacer.
1996 “Harm Reduction on Merseyside 1985-1995.” in Anne Rainford
& Sally
Woods Drug Policy in the ‘90s: The changing scene. Liverpool: John
Moores University.
1996 “Aspectos del uso del hongo alucinógeno Psilocybe semilanceata
en el País de Gales.” in Actas del 2o. congreso internacional
para el estudio de los estados modificados de consciencia. Barcelona:
Institut de Prospectiva Antropológica.
1995 Drogues Légales: L’expérience de Liverpool. Paris:
Les Editions du Lézard.
1995 “Apprendre à partir de l’expérience des
pays pauvres.” in Actes du Colloque à l’UNESCO “Toxicomanies,
Sida: Droits de l’homme et déviances”. Paris: SOS Drogue
1995 “Cannabis et éco-dévéloppement: La dimension
macroéconomique du problème.” in Faut-il dépénaliser
le cannabis ? Bruxelles: ECOLO.
1994 “A guerra às drogas é uma guerra etnocida.”
in Alba Zaluar (Org.) Drogas e Cidadania. São Paulo: Brasiliense.
1994 “La Coca: Panorama Actual.” in Por la revalorización
de la Hoja de Coca. Lima: ENACO/Universidad de Cusco.
1994 “Le modèle de Liverpool.” Politis 21: 40-41.
1993 “Harm reduction or harm aggravation ? The impact of the developed
countries’ drug policies on the developing world.” in Nick
Heather et al. (Eds.) Psychoactive drugs and harm reduction. London: Whurr.
1992 Mama Coca (2a. ed. en español). La Paz: Ediciones HISBOL.
1991 “Is there a politics of anti-prohibitionism ?” The International
Journal of Drug Policy 2(5): 22-25.
1990 “Coca and cocaine: Their role in traditional cultures in South
America.” Journal of Drug Issues 20(4): 577-588.
1990 “Coca, an alternative to cocaine ?” Critique of Anthropology
10(1): 65-80.
1989 “Tradición y represión : Dos experiencias en
América del Sur.” in Diego García-Sayán (Ed.)
Coca, cocaína y narcotráfico. Lima: Comisión Andina
de Juristas.
1988 “The war on drugs: Escalation or cease-fire ?” Third
World Affairs 1988: 141-149.
1986 (c/ O. Pessoa Jr.) Diamba Sarabamba: Estudos brasileiros sobre a
maconha. São Paulo: Ground/Global Editores.
1986 “Uso de ayahuasca en un contexto autoritário: El caso
de la União do Vegetal en Brasil.” América Indígena
XLVI: 219-234.
1985 (w/ R. Lewis & T. Malyon) Big Deal: The politics of the illicit
drugs business. London & Sydney: Pluto Press.
1983 “A guerra às drogas é uma guerra etnocida: Um
estudo do uso maconha entre os índios Tenetehara do Maranhão.”
Religião e Sociedade 10: 8-15.
1983 Guaraná. São Paulo: Ground/Global Editores.
1982 “Guaraná: Ecological and social perspectives on an economic
plant of the central Amazon basin.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology
1981 Mama Coca. Bogotá: El Ancora/La Oveja Negra.
1981 Mama Koka. Bremen: Verlag Roter Funke.
1980 “The War on Drugs is a War on People: A study of the use of
cannabis among the Tenetehara of Maranhão.” The Ecologist
9: 49-62.
1978 Mama Coca. London: Hassle Free Press.