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Clarice Novaes da Mota

was born in Recife, Pernambuco, in March 1943. She entered the former Universidade do Brasil in 1963, studying Social Sciences at the National Faculty of Philosophy, in Rio de Janeiro. She participated in the National Program for Literacy of the Ministery of Education having been trained by Prof. Paulo Freire. She lived in Mexico in 1964. In the United States, she entered Temple University in 1965, where from she graduated in Psychology in 1969. She obtained her Masters in Social Anthropology from the New School of Social Research in 1977. She was a professor of anthropology at the
Institute of Social Sciences of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro from 1979 to 2000. She obtained her Doctorate in Social Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1987 with the support of a doctorate grant from CNPq. She has published the books: Jurema´s Children in the Forest of Spirits: ritual and healing among two Brazilian indigenous groups (London: Intermediate Technologies Publications, 1997) and As muitas faces da Jurema: de espécie botânica à divindade afro-indígena (The many faces of Jurema: from botanical species to afro-indigenous divinidade) with Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque (Recife: Bagaço, 2002). She has several articles
published in books and periodicals. She is also the ex-president of the National Association of Jurema. She is currently a professor at UFAL and is also a student in the Basic Course in Hypnotherapy at the
Hypnotherapy Institute, Lafayette, California.

currículo lattes


2004 da Mota, Clarice Novaes. “Performance e significações do toré: o caso dos Xocó e Kariri-Xocó”, In Rodrigo Grunewald (org.) Toré: o regime encantado dos índios do Nordeste. Editora Massangana, Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Recife, Pernambuco.

2003 da Mota, Clarice Novaes. “Saúde e povos indígenas: tradição e mudança”, In Maria Beatriz Roacha Ferreira et al (Org.) Cultura Corporal Indígena, Universidade Estadual do Centro- Oeste, Guarapuava, Paraná.

2002 da Mota, Clarice Novaes. “Rio de Janeiro”.Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures,Volume 4. Human Relations Area File, New Haven, Ct.pp. 28-39.

2002 da Mota, Clarice Novaes and Albuquerque, U.G. (eds.) As muitas faces da Jurema: de espécie botânica à divindade afro-indígena. Bagaço, Recife, Brasil.

2002 da Mota, Clarice Novaes and de Barros, J.F.P. “O complexo da Jurema:representações e drama social negro-indígena.”
In As muitas faces da Jurema: de espécie botânica à divindade afro-indígena. Bagaço, Recife, Brasil.

2001 Mota, C. N. “Religion at the edge of ethnic identity.” The 2001 International Conference in London. Center for the Study of New Religions. London, England.

1998 MOTA, C.N. da. Jurema-Sonse, Jurema Tupan e as muitas faces da Jurema. In: Revista Anthropológicas. Série Anais. Antropologia: Memória, tradição e perspectivas. UFPE, V Encontro de Antropólogos do Norte/Nordeste. Recife.

1997 da Mota, Clarice Novaes, et al. Uma questão de vida: trabalhando pela saúde reprodutiva das mulheres no Brasil. Ipas-Brasil: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

1997 da Mota, Clarice Novaes. Jurema’s Children in the Forest of Spirits: Ritual and Healing among two Brazilian Indigenous groups. Intermediate Technologies Publications: London, England.

1996 Pereira, I.G. e Mota, C.N. Manual para o estabelecimento de serviço de aborto previsto por lei. IPAS, Carrboro, NC.

1996 Mota, C.N. O pajé Cariri-Xocó. Langdon, E.J., ed. O Xamanismo na América do Sul. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis.

1995 Pessoa de Barros, J.F. e Novaes Mota, C. Espaço e tempo: o sagrado e o profano nos candomblés Keto e entre os índios Kariri-Shoko. América Latina e Caribe: os Desafios do Século XXI. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: PROEALC, 1995.

1995 Several authors, "The Impact of Expanded Program of Immunization and the Polio Eradication Initiative on the Health Services in the America Region - Brazil," PAHO, Washington, D.C.

1993 da Mota, C.N. La Oscuridad y el mar: comienzo y fin de los Guarani. Cipoletti, M.S. and Langdon, E.J., eds. La muerte y el más allá en las culturas indígenas latino americanas. Ediciones Abya-Yala: Quito, Ecuador.

1992 da Mota, C.N. Applying RAP in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Cape Verde, Africa. Scrimshaw, Nevin, RAP, Rapid Assessment Procedures: qualitative methodologies for planning and evaluation of health related programs. International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries, Boston, Mass.

1992 da Mota, C.N. Being and Becoming an Indian: the case of the Shoko and Kariri-Shoko of Northeast Brazil. Proteus, a Journal of Ideas. Shippenburg University, Spring, 26-31.

1992 da Mota, C.N. The Flowers of Spring Garden. Women in International Development Working Paper #227, May 1992.

1991 Scrimshaw, S., Hurtado, E. and da Mota, C.N. Portuguese version of Rapid Assessment Procedures: for Nutrition and Primary Health Care. Los Angeles, California: Latin American Studies Center, UCLA, in press.

1991 Scrimshaw, S., da Mota, C.N. et al. Rapid Assessment Procedures Training Manual. Los Angeles, California: Latin American Studies Center, UCLA, 1991.

1990 da Mota, C.N. and Neiva, V.C. Jardim Primavera: Applications of anthropological procedures to the assessment of programmes for nutrition and primary health care in a suburban community of Rio de Janeiro. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 12(4): 313-317.

1990 da Mota, C.N. and Pessoa de Barros, J.F. eds. Ethnomedicine and Popular Curing. In Ethnobiology: Implications and Applications. Belém, Brazil: M.P.E.G., 1990.

1990 da Mota, C.N. Jurema and Ayahuasca: Dreams to Live By. In Ethnobiology: Implications and Applications. Belém, Brazil: M.P.E.G, 1990.

1988 da Mota, C.N., Coutinho, L. and Shephard, B. A Holistic Approach to Family Planning Counseling and Education. Resources in Education, ERIC/CAPS, ED #87108.

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