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Isabela Oliveira

was born in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais) in 1969; she currently lives in Brasília (Distrito Federal). She earned her Bachelors in Social Communication from the University of Brasília (UnB) in 1991 and through her professional development became a self-taught graphic designer. In 1999, she earned her Masters in Social Communication from UnB with her thesis "Hipertexto: o universo em expansão" which analyzed the architecture of information on the Internet. Then in 2007 she received her Doctorate in History, also from the University of Brasília with her thesis "Santo Daime: um sacramento vivo, uma religião em formação". Since 1990 she has participated in CEFLAG, a church affiliated with Santo Daime (CEFLURIS) based in Brasília. Currently, she is an adjunct professor at the University of Brasília in the Department of Advertising in the School of Social Communications where she teaches courses in the field of Visual Communications. She is a student of the Escola SAT – a school of self-discovery by means of the eneagram and Gestalt therapy, led by the psychologist Cláudio Naranjo (one of the first and most important researchers of the therapeutic use of psychoactive substances); she is studying Family Constelation, Movements of the Spirit, and Sacred Circular Dances; she also works as a floral therapist. She is developing a research project on the therapeutic and religious uses of psychoactive substances.

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