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Sergio M. Souza Vidal

was born in Salvador (BA) in 1978. He is currently doing his Bachelors in Social Sciences at the Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal da Bahia (FFCH/UFBa) and he is the secretary of the Interdisciplinary Group for Studies of Psychoactive Substances (GIESP). He is also a fellow of the Program for Incentives and Scholarships for Scientific Initiatives of UFBa (PIBIC/UFBa) for which he is conducting research on the religions of Santo Daime of the CICLU-Alto Santo lines and of CEFLURIS, with financial support from the National Counsel for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), under the orientation of Dr. Edward MacRae. He is writing his senior thesis, entitled “The Cannabis Census Experience: Between the Net survey and the on-line epidemiology of marijuana users in Brazil” ("A Experiência Censo Cannábico: Entre o net survey e a epidemiologia on-line dos usos da maconha no Brasil") that will be defended in June 2007. The work is the fruit of his experience developing the Cannabis Census, undertaken in 2004 in collaboration with other members of the Growroom, a Collective for Harm Reduction amongst cannabis users.

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