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Manuel Villaescusa

was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1965. He holds a degree in Clinical Psychology from Padova University, Italy and a Masters degree in Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy from Middlesex University, London, UK. He has more than ten years of experience in the treatment of addictions, and eight of years experience as a yoga and tai chi chuan instructor. Since 1998 he has done research in the psychotherapeutic applications of ayahuasca use in Europe. From January till May 2003 he worked as a psychotherapist at Ideaa - Institute of Applied Amazonian Ethnopsychology - in Amazonas, Brazil, a center dedicated to the treatment of addictions using a daily practice of yoga and meditation and weekly ayahuasca sessions, with positive results. Since 1998 he has been a member of the Society of Applied Ethnopsychology - dedicated to the study of traditional psychotherapeutic practices of indigenous cultures and its applications in western psychotherapy. He is specialized in amazonian shamanism and its application in the treatment of addictions and personal development processes. He has presented his work at international conferences and published articles on relevant journals. He is now preparing a book about modified states of consciousness and psychotherapy.


2006. “Efectos subjetivos a corto plazo de tomas de ayahuasca en contexto urbano” Enteogenia. Ed. Amargord.

2003. “Aplicaciones de la LSD en psicoterapia” Revista Ulises. Ed. Liebre de Marzo. Barcelona

2003. “Aspectos psicoterapéuticos de las ceremonias de ayahuasca en el Reino Unido” BI – Boletín de la Sociedad de Etnopsicología Aplicada. Barcelona.

2002. Disertación de MSc (Master en Ciencias): “Aspectos psicoterapéuticos de las ceremonias de ayahuasca en el Reino Unido”. Middlesex University (Londres, UK).

1996. Tesis de licenciatura: “Dinámicas de Grupo en la Psicología Humanista” Università di Padova (Italia).

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