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Sandra Lucia Goulart

Received a doctorate in social sciences from Unicamp with her dissertation “Contrasts and Continuities in an Amazonian Tradition: the ayahuasca religions,” which is a comparative study of the three main Brazilian religions that use the psychoactive brew historically known by it’s Quechua name ayahuasca and by other recent names, such as Daime and Vegetal. She also received a master’s degree in social anthropology from USP upon defending her thesis “The Cultural Roots of Santo Daime.” She has collaborated as a contributing author and with the organization of the reader “The Ritual Use of Ayahuasca” by Beatriz C. Labate and Wladimyr Sena Araújo (2002). A specialist in the matter of ayahuasca religions, she has broadened her foci of study in recent years. For instance, she co-edited with Beatriz C. Labate a published collection of articles, “The Ritual Use of Plants of Power” (2005), which combines works on the consumption in different cultural contexts of various psychoactive substances, such as tobacco, coca leaves, jurema of the Brazilian Northeastern indigenous, or Cannabis sativa. Goulart has also participated in research on the use and traffic of illicit drugs. Her most recent research concerns the consumption of crack in the city of Sao Paulo, and was funded by ILANUD – United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of the Deliquent (Mingardi & Goulart, Revista do ILANUD, No. 15, 2001). This research was part of a larger program developed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which comparatively explored contexts of use and traffic of illicit drugs in four countries, including Brazil.

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LABATE, Beatriz Caiuby et al (orgs). Drogas e cultura: novas perspectivas. Salvador, EDUFBA, 2008.

LABATE, Beatriz C. e GOULART, Sandra L. O Uso Ritual das Plantas de Poder. Campinas, Mercado de Letras, 2005.

Co-autora com Guracy Mingardi do artigo: "Drug Tafficking in an Urban Area: the case of São Paulo", in: Globalisation and drugs criminalisation, UNESCO, 2002.

"Introdução", in: LABATE, Beatriz C. e SENA ARAÚJO, W. (orgs). O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca, Campinas, Editora Mercado de Letras, 2002.

"O Contexto de Surgimento do Culto do Santo Daime: formação da comunidade e do calendário ritual", in: LABATE, Beatriz C. e SENA ARAÚJO, W (orgs.) O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca. Campinas, Editora Mercado de Letras, 2002.

Co-autora com Guaracy Mingardi do artigo: "As Drogas Ilícitas em São Paulo: o caso da cracolândia", in: Coleção Revista ILANUD, São Paulo, no 15, 2001.

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