veja essa página em português Laércio Fidelis Dias
Born in Sao Paulo, with a bachelor’s degree in social sciences, and a master’s and doctorate in social anthropology from the University of Sao Paulo (USP). Professor of the division of Social Sciences, Communication and Arts in Uninove college (Associação Educacional Nove de Julho), researcher of the Mari Group of Indigenous Education of USP and the Indigenous History and Indigenism study group (NHII-USP). Over the past decade his academic research has been dedicated to the study of Karipuna, Galibi Marworno, Palikur and Galibi de Oiapoque indigenous, located in the north of the state of Amapa, in the municipality of Oiapoque. For his master’s, he studied the therapeutic itineraries of the Karipuna families, considering specific illness episodes and the different therapeutic decisions made by patients, ranging from family treatments using home remedies based on medicinal herbs, to family and community consultations, and to diverse specialists. For his doctorate, he carried out research among the four groups mentioned above concerning the symbolic meanings associated to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. His research concludes that the consumption of alcoholic beverages occurs under the orientation of sociocultural patterns that structure the acts and provide their meaning. The reason for consumption, as well as effects on behavior and their evaluation can only be understood in reference to these patterns. He has also written articles on these topics, as well as offering scientific consultancy on matters of indigenous health and education.
“Usos e abusos de bebidas alcoólicas segundo os Povos Indígenas do Uaçá”. In: LABATE, Beatriz Caiuby; FIORE, Maurício e GOULART, Sandra Lucia. (org.) Drogas: perspectivas em ciências humanas (no prelo).
“Uma Discussão em torno da Noção de Excesso: ‘Alcoolismo’ e ‘DST’ (Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis)”. In: Gallois, Dominique Tilkin (org.); Sociedades Indígenas e suas Fronteiras na Região Sudeste das Guianas. São Paulo: Editora Humanitas, FFLCH/USP (no prelo).
“As práticas e os cuidados relativos à saúde entre os Karipuna do Uaçá”. In: Cadernos de Campo – Revista dos alunos de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da USP (9), ano 10, 2000, pp 59-72.
“Mais que um mero curador”. In: Metropoli – Grêmio Politénico da USP, (9), ano 3, 1º semestre de 2001, pp 14-17.
“Curso de formação, treinamento e oficina para monitores e professores indígenas da reserva do Uaçá”. In: SILVA, Maria Aracy da & FERREIRA, Mariana Kawall Leal (orgs.) Práticas Pedagógicas na Escola Indígena. FAPESP/Global, 2001.
2003 GRUPIONI, Luís Donisete; VIDAL, Lux; e FISHMANN, Roseli (orgs.)
Povos Indígenas e tolerância - construindo práticas de respeito e solidariedade. In:Revista de Antropologia (46):1. São Paulo/USP.